Table of Contents
1.3 Environmental
Management Policy
1.4 The Waste
Management Policy
1.5 Regulations
and Guidelines
2.2 Roles and Responsibilities
4.1 Acceptance
Criteria for the Government Disposal Facilities
4.2 Procedures of the Trip Ticket System
4.4 Disposal
of C&D Materials to Alternative Disposal Ground(s)
4.5 Chemical
Waste/ Hazardous Waste Handling and Disposal
4.10 Estimated
Quantities of C&D Material/ Waste.
A - Site Layout Plan
B - Flow
Chart of the Trip Ticket System
C - Notification
to Truck Drivers
D - Daily
Record Summary
E - Waste
Flow Table
F - Environmental
Mitigation Implementation Schedule (EMIS)
The Waste Management Plan (WMP) has been developed in
accordance with clause 2.10 of Environmental Permit No. EP-353/2009/K, for the
Highways Department Contract namely Contract No. HY/2019/01 Hong
China Harbour Engineering Company Limited (hereafter CHEC) is the Main Contractor to responsible for the execution of the construction works under Highways Department. The works mainly include the following works:
a) Landscaping and establishment works;
b) Irrigation system and associated drainage pumping system and facilities;
c) Erection and installation in the Passenger Clearance Building;
d) Public transport interchange (PTI) public toilet, satellite refuse collection point (RCP) and observation guard booths;
e) PTI cross boundary shuttle (CBS) / cross boundary coach (CBC) lanes and covered walkway;
f) Vehicle clearance plazas (VCP) vehicle kiosks and associated automatic vehicle clearance supporting system (AVCSS).
The main scope of works under the Contract does not include marine construction or vessel operation related to construction works.
This Waste Management Plan (WMP) aims to describe the
arrangements for avoidance, minimization, handling, reuse, recovery and
recycling, storage, transportation, collection, treatment and disposal of
different categories of waste to be generated from the construction activities
of this project. This WMP includes the recommended mitigations measures on
waste management as contained as stipulated in EIA report and EM&A Manual.
The main objectives of the WMP include:
reference to the waste management requirements, both statutory and
the responsibilities of each party on waste management and the personnel within
the Contractor¡¦s management; and
the waste management procedures for avoidance, minimization, material
reuse/recovery/recycling, collection, transportation, storage and disposal of
wastes generated from the activities.
An Environmental Management Policy is established to
demonstrate the Company¡¦s commitment in improving environmental performance. It
aims to communicate CHEC¡¦s mission, vision and beliefs towards the environment
to the staff and provides a framework for guiding CHEC¡¦s ongoing environmental
improvement efforts.
The policy will be reviewed by relevant parties
periodically and will be displayed on notice boards in languages suitable for
the nationality for the workforce.
The Environmental Policy Statement, together with the
Environmental Objectives and Targets, are listed below:
To demonstrate the Project Team¡¦s commitment on the continual
improvement of our waste management performance, an Environmental Management
Policy includes the waste management has been established. It aims to
communicate CHEC¡¦s waste management mission, vision and beliefs to the staff
and public, it also provides a framework in guiding the project team the basic
requirements to be achieved in waste management.
The hierarchy is illustrated below. It attempts to
evaluate waste management practices and selects the best practical option since
conceptually it makes sense to avoid producing a waste rather than developing
extensive treatment schemes. Good planning and site management practices also
help minimizing over ordering or misuse of construction materials. The overall
objective is to reduce and minimize the amount of wastes generated, hence
reducing the costs of waste handling and disposal.
Various types of wastes would be generated during the
course of the Project and each waste type requires different approach for
management and disposal as stipulated in the waste legislation and guidelines.
The relevant statutory and non-statutory requirements regarding waste
management are summarized in the sections below.
The following legislation relates to the handling, treatment and
disposal of wastes in
Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354)
Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation (Cap 354)
Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation (Cap
Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28)
Dumping at Sea Ordinance (Cap 466)
Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) - Public Cleansing and
Prevention of Nuisances (Urban Council) and (Regional Council)
Offences Ordinance (Cap 228)
relevant regulations
The Waste Disposal Ordinance (WDO) prohibits the
unauthorized disposal of waste. Construction waste is not directly defined in
the WDO, but is considered to fall within the category of ¡§trade waste.¡¨ Under
the WDO, wastes can only be disposed of at sites licensed by EPD.
Under the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General)
Regulation all producers of chemical wastes (including asbestos) must register
with EPD and treat their wastes either utilizing on-site plant licensed by EPD,
or arranging for a licensed collector to take the wastes to a licensed
facility. The regulation also prescribes the storage facilities to be provided
on site, including labeling and warning signs, and requires the preparation of
written procedures and training to deal with emergencies such as spillages,
leakages, or accidents arising from the storage of chemical wastes.
The current policy related to the dumping
of C&D material is documented in the Works
Under the WDO and the Charging Regulation, wastes can only be disposed
of at designated waste disposal facilities licensed by EPD. For construction
work with a value of more than HK$
The Land (Miscellaneous Provisions)
Ordinance requires that dumping licences be obtained by individuals or
companies who deliver public fill to public filling areas. The Civil
Engineering & Development Department (CEDD) issues the licences under
delegated powers from the Director of Lands.
The Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances
The Contractor would obtain all necessary permits and licenses under these ordinances including, but not limited to:
as a Chemical Waste Producer under the Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354);
Dumping License under the Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28);
as a Waste Producer under the Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of
Construction Waste) Regulation (Cap 354).
The following guidelines related to waste
management and disposal would be adhered to during construction of the Project:
Disposal Plan for Hong Kong (1989), Planning, Environmental and Lands
Guidelines for Planning in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Planning Standards and
Guidelines (1990);
Disposal Arrangements for Construction Waste, EPD and CEDD (1992);
of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and storage of Chemical Wastes EPD (1992);
of Practice on the Handling, Transportation and Disposal of Asbestos Waste,
Transport and Works
Transport and Works
Reduction Framework Plan, 1998 to 2007, Planning, Environment and Lands
Guide to the Registration of Chemical Waste Producers; and
Guide to the Chemical Waste Control Scheme.
The organisation structure for waste management is
outlined in Figure 2.1. This chart outlines the overall site
management in relation to waste management and environmental issues. Details on the roles and
responsibilities of staffs responsible for implementation of the waste management
plan are outlined below.
Pursuant to
P. S. Clause
25.25(6)(a), CHEC has
appointed the Environmental Officer as the senior staff member fully
responsible for implementing and overseeing the operation of the Trip Ticket System. The General Foremen and Foremen are appointed
to man each exit from the Site for the purpose of ensuring that every truck
carrying C&D materials leaving the Site bears a duly completed, signed and
stamped CHIT ticket.
2.2.1 Construction Manager
The Construction Manager is a representative of head office
responsible for ensuring commitment to environmental performance is fulfilled
and assigning adequate resources and facilities to provide an effective
environmental management programme on site.
The Site Agent, as a senior staff, is responsible to
coordinate all environmental matters
on sites and report to the
Construction Manager. Site Agent is also responsible for all site
operations, management of environmental issues, staff supervision, control,
coordination & planning, external liaison as well as implementing and
monitoring necessary corrective actions.
The Site Agent will also carry out immediate action to
rectify any non-compliance of environmental requirements as well as handle any
complaints received from the public.
2.2.3 Environmental Manager
Environmental Manager is responsible to coordinate all
environmental matters on sites and to report these to the Site Safety and
Environmental Committee, Highways Department, Environmental Protection Department and Engineer¡¦s
Representatives. The Environmental Manager is also responsible for ensuring commitment
to environmental performance is fulfilled and assigning adequate resources and
facilities to provide an effective implementation of the Waste Management Plan
on site. With the assistance of the Environmental Officer, he would also
oversee the implementation and performance of the Waste Management Plan. The Environmental Manager reports to the Site Agent and is
responsible for all site operations, management of environmental issues, staff
supervision, control, coordination & planning, external liaison as well as
implementing and monitoring necessary corrective actions. The Environmental Manager would assume environmental duties
on site and ensure that works are executed in accordance with the Waste
Management Plan. He will arrange regular site inspections with the
Environmental Officer.
2.2.4 Environmental Officer
The Environmental Officer will be appointed as a senior
staff member, who with at least two years experiences in site management, fully
responsible for implementing and overseeing the operation of the Waste
Management Plan.
responsibilities of the Environmental Officer are also included as follows:
the Waste Management Plan and ensure works are executed in accordance with the
the yearly and monthly summary Waste Flow Table (WFT) and the summary table for
timber usage in temporary works construction monthly and incorporated into the
Environmental Management Plan;
the works including those of subcontractors to ensure compliance with specified
2.2.5 Environmental Supervisor
Supervisor is responsible for the implementation of this Waste Management Plan
with the assistance of the foremen. He is also responsible for:
Co-operate with the Environmental Officer to rectify any non-conformances being identified;
Attend environmental meetings whenever
necessary; and
Assist with Environmental Officer on any
environmental accidents like chemical spillage.
2.2.6 General Foremen / Foremen
The General Foremen / Foremen are responsible
for site supervision and coordination of the works as well as implementation of
any remedial actions or environmental protection measures as directed by the
Site Agent / Environmental Officer.
The General Foremen / Foremen are also
responsible for:
Assisting in the daily implementation of
the Waste Management Plan including to ensure all waste is sorted, segregated,
recycled or reused when applicable;
Responsible to update the Daily Record
Ensuring the Waste Management Plan is
followed and all appropriate paperwork to be collected and signed off; and
Ensuring waste is avoided and/or minimised
as much as practically possible.
workers are responsible to carry out the waste management practice. They are
obligated to carry out the works like:
Sorting of different types of wastes;
Collection of wastes from each working site to the temporary storage
area / designated
fill banks / landfills;
General site cleaning;
Attend waste management training organized by the Environmental Officer; and
Follow the Waste Management Plan.
of responsibility
Line of communication
Figure 2.1:
The Organizational Structure for Waste
Name |
Position |
Telephone No. |
Johnason KO |
Construction Manager |
9386 1679 |
Mr. S.
Site Agent |
5560 6523 |
Mr. H.
Construction Work Manager |
9628 8460 |
Patrick LO |
Construction Works Manager (Building) |
9685 9785 |
Mr. F. K. Wong |
General Foremen |
5560 6508 |
Mr. H. N. Au |
Senior Foremen |
5560 6512 |
Mr. C. H. Lee |
Foreman |
6076 2331 |
Marko CHAN |
Environmental Manager |
9427 2879 |
Matthew WU |
Environmental Officer |
6076 2675 |
Andrew AU |
Supervisor |
6076 2290 |
Table 2.1: Contact List of Designated Persons for Implementation of the Waste Management Plan
Refer to hierarchy abovementioned in Section 1, a further explanation of the hierarchy of waste management on site is detailed below.
Key to waste management is to reduce the amount of waste generated from the work site. Waste management options would be exercised in accordance with the hierarchy stipulated in the following table:
Avoidance and Minimization |
Avoid and minimize waste through careful planning and design works. |
Reuse |
Reuse construction waste such as excavated material, used wooden plants and ferric materials. |
Recovery and Recycle |
Undertake on-site or off-site waste recycling. |
Treatment and Disposal |
Properly treat and dispose of waste in accordance with legislative requirements, guidelines and good practices. |
Table 3.1: Hierarchy of Waste Management
In the context of waste reduction, environmentally responsible purchasing would involve the introduction of practices that discourage unnecessary purchases and encourage the purchase of products with reduced packaging, increased durability and materials with high recycled content, such as, recycled paper, steel and other raw construction materials.
Waste minimization is best achieved through
careful planning, design and supervision. Good management practices would
reduce and prevent large amount of waste generated. Raw materials would be
managed from the first instance before they are ordered and delivered to the
site. Good estimation and planning would minimize the amount of raw materials
wasted. The generation of waste would be controlled at source.
measures will be implemented to reduce the generation of waste materials, and
thus minimize the amount of waste disposal to landfills. The measures will
on site to recover the inert portion of C&D materials;
all metallic waste for recycling;
all cardboard and paper packaging, and properly stockpile them in dry and
covered condition to prevent cross contamination;
of the materials (such as formworks and hoardings) in the construction would be
calculated before purchasing in order to minimize waste generation.
of metal formworks and hoardings, and they would be recycled after demolition
on site as far as it can before disposal.
The bentonite system will be set up on site to suit the site
condition. It consists of storage tanks and circulation tanks to minimize
contamination into site temporary drainage or substandard discharge. During
concreting of piling works, the used bentonite slurry will be delivered to the
residue splitter for purification and reuse wherever practicable. Residual
shall be disposed of at the Tseung Kwan O Area Fill Bank. (PS Clause 25.25(1)). All disposal record for
bentonite will be summarized in the monthly waste flow table.
The quantities of disposal C&D materials will be recorded under the barcode Trip Ticket System by using the CHIT tickets. CHIT will be presented to the landfill site as part of the system for the disposal charging scheme which had already been officially effective in January 2006. Waste transaction records could be obtained either in the waste disposal facilities right after the transaction or retrieved from the Environmental Protection Department bill statement each month.
to the Highways Department¡¦s Memo ref.: (2NQ9) in Highways Department
Vehicle Type |
Waste Depth |
Weight Ratio (note) |
Facility |
Vehicle |
Over |
No restriction |
Landfill |
0.20 or below |
Over 0.20 |
Sorting Facility |
Vehicle |
Over |
No restriction |
Landfill |
0.25 or below |
Over 0.25 |
Sorting Facility |
4.1: New Waste Acceptance Criteria
CHEC will
comply with the acceptance criteria laid down by the operators of the
corresponding fill bank(s) and landfill(s), as outlined below:
The truck driver should bear a duly
completed, signed and stamped CHIT;
The dump truck should also have a valid
Dumping Licence issued by Civil Engineering
and Development Department, dump trucks without Dumping Licences
will be rejected;
The inert C&D materials to be
delivered to the fill bank(s) should be in accordance with the conditions
stipulated in the Dumping Licence;
Any over-sized inert C&D materials
should be broken down to less than
The C&D materials to be disposed
should consist entirely of inert construction waste (i.e. 100% inert
construction waste); and
to the Highways Department¡¦s Memo ref.: (32FV) in Highways Department
The truck driver should bear a duly
completed, signed and stamped CHIT;
The dump truck
should also have a valid Dumping Licence issued by Civil Engineering and
Development Department, dump trucks without Dumping Licences will be rejected;
The non-inert
C&D waste to be delivered to the landfills should be in accordance with the
conditions stipulated in the Dumping Licence;
Construction waste
should contained not more than 50% by weight of inert C&D waste (Gazette
Notice G.N. 4272 published on 27 June 2008);
For a load of
C&D waste not consisting entirely of bamboo, plywood or timber delivered by
a vehicle, the weight of the waste divided by the permitted gross vehicle
weight of the vehicle must not greater than 0.25 for goods vehicle with
demountable skip and 0.2 for other types of vehicle (Gazette Notice G.N. 4272
published on 27 June 2008);
For a load of
C&D waste consisting entirely of bamboo, timber or plywood delivered by a
vehicle, there is no restriction on the weight of the waste divided by the
permitted gross vehicle weight of the vehicle (Gazette Notice G.N. 4272
published on 27 June 2008);
Mixed C&D materials should be sorted
at source to reduce the inert content as far as practicable to meet the above
criteria before they are delivered to landfills;
C&D waste delivered for landfill
disposal should contain no free water and the liquid content will not exceed
70% by weight;
Trip Ticket System will be executed according to the following procedures:
The General Foremen / Foremen will
arrange the C&D waste to be sorted on site. He will also check the total
actual amount of cumulated C&D waste after the completion of the particular works in the
working area.
If the sorted C&D waste is less than 1/3 of
truckload, then the C&D waste will be transferred to the temporary holding area in CHEC¡¦s works area
for temporary stockpiling.
The C&D waste will be sorted and stored
separately in different storage areas.
Non-inert C&D
waste will be stored in storage tanks properly covered with tarpaulin sheeting
in the temporary holding area.
Inert C&D materials will be stored on the ground properly covered
with tarpaulin sheeting in the temporary holding area. Larvicidal oil or
larvicide will be applied onto the stored C&D
if necessary.
For every 7 days
or one truckload collected, the stored non-inert C&D
waste in the temporary holding area will be transferred to
the designated landfills.
For every 14 days
or one truckload collected, the stored inert C&D
waste in the temporary holding area will be transferred to
the designated fill banks.
If the sorted C&D waste is more than 1/3 of
truckload, then the Foreman will arrange disposal of the C&D waste to designated fill banks /
For each truckload of
C&D materials leaving the working area /
temporary holding area to the designated fill banks / landfills, the truck driver must bear a duly completed and signed CHIT.
The General Foreman / Foremen will
check, record with photo and ensure
the dump truck is not overloaded by the electronic dump truck self-scale and the
materials / waste are properly covered, a several weight buffer is allowed to
prevent overloading.
The General Foreman / Foremen will fill in and sign the Part 1 of the Daily Record
Summary (Appendix D) and submit to the Supervisor¡¦s supervisory staff.
The Supervisor¡¦s supervisory staff
will cross check the dump truck
loading and coverage and sign the Part 1 of
the Daily Record Summary (Appendix D) for endorsement, and a duplicate and a
copy of Daily Record Summary will give to the Supervisor¡¦s supervisory before departure of the truck.
After that, the General Foreman / Foremen will give the duly completed and signed CHIT to the truck driver.
The truck will proceed to
the disposal ground as stipulated in the CHIT. The truck driver will
present the CHIT to the reception facility operator. If the C&D waste accords with the
acceptance criteria, disposal of the C&D waste will be permitted and the
facility operator will give the truck driver a transaction receipt and the CHIT.
The truck driver will present the CHIT at the in-weighbridge of the disposal facilities. If the vehicle load is
accepted, the CHIT is deemed to be used and the in-weight would be recorded on
the ¡§Transaction Record Slip¡¨.
If the truck
driver is instructed by the reception facility
operator to go to the sorting
facility. The driver will need to
return back to the site and report to the General Foreman / Foremen. No driver is allowed to go
to sorting facility.
The truck driver will then
return the transaction receipt and the stamped CHIT to CHEC as soon as possible.
CHEC will maintain a daily
record disposal of C&D materials from the Site including details of the
C&D waste, the truck number, departure time, etc, and notify the Supervisor¡¦s Representative in case any discrepancy is noted.
For disposal at government disposal
facilities, CHEC will check the information recorded in the Daily Record
Summary against the disposal records in Civil Engineering and Development
Department¡¦s website (
or Environmental Protection Department¡¦s
website ( and complete Part 2 of
the DRS for submission to the Supervisor¡¦s
Representative within 3 working days after the day of disposal.
Where an irregularity is observed or when
requested by the Supervisor¡¦s Representative under special
circumstances (e.g. a CHIT has been issued but there is no disposal record at
the designated disposal facilities), CHEC will submit to the Supervisor¡¦s Representative within 5 working days
after the recorded date of disposal the supporting evidence such as duly
stamped CHIT and/or the transaction receipt (where relevant) to confirm proper
completion of the delivery trips in question, or within 2 working days after
the Supervisor¡¦s Representative has requested for such
evidence, whichever is later. A fax
copy of the CHIT and transaction receipt is acceptable, unless otherwise
directed by the Supervisor¡¦s Representative. CHEC will maintain all records on the
CHIT for at least one year or other period as may be directed by the Supervisor¡¦s Representative.
of the dump trucks used would be equipped with mechanical covers in which
maintained in a good condition.
order to minimize the leaking of material from the dump trucks, no material
should be stored higher than the trail board.
silt and wastes on all dump trucks¡¦ wheels and bodies should be properly washed
off by wheel washing facilities before leaving the constructions sites.
will provide wheel washing facilities on site at the site entrance.
Where CHEC has identified a project that can be an alternative disposal ground, CHEC will provide a detailed description of the alternative disposal ground, including location, lot number (where appropriate) and location plan(s) to the Supervisor to request for his written approval.
Where the alternative disposal ground is a
private construction project, CHEC will submit a letter from the Authorized
Person of the development (as defined under the
C&D materials for use in the development is acceptable;
use of land so formed by the C&D materials is in conformity with the
statutory town plan/ lease conditions;
Supervisor¡¦s Representative are
allowed to enter the alternative ground to conduct inspection where necessary;
estimated quantity and type of C&D materials to be used in the construction
works and the approximate delivery programme, together with the name, post and
specimen signature of the competent person to sign the DDF/ internal trip
ticket stipulated in G.S. Clause 25.25(6)(a)(ii).
Where the
alternative disposal ground is a private land but not a construction site, CHEC
will submit a letter from the relevant authorities, such as the Lands
Department and the Planning Department, to confirm that the suitability of the
alternative disposal ground in receiving the proposed amount of C&D
materials for use, and a written consent from the landowner.
Where the alternative disposal ground is a government project, CHEC will submit written consent from the project office of the alternative disposal ground to use the C&D materials generated from the Site, and to confirm the estimated quantity and type of C&D materials required and the approximate delivery programme.
A system for transmitting disposal records from the alternative disposal ground will be submitted to the Supervisor¡¦s Representative for approval before disposal to the alternative ground starts.
waste that is produced, as defined by Schedule 1 of the Waste Disposal
(Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation, will be handled in accordance with the
Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes as
waste will be packed and held in containers of suitable design and construction
so as to prevent leakage, spillage or escape of the contents under normal
conditions of handling, storage and transport.
used for the storage of chemical wastes will:
a capacity of less than 450 litres unless the specifications have been approved by the EPD; and
¡P Display a label in English and Chinese in accordance with instructions prescribed in Schedule 2 of the Regulations.
container of chemical waste will bear an appropriate label which will contain
the particulars details. The waste producer will ensure that the information
contained on the label is accurate and sufficient so as to enable proper and
safe handling, storage and transport of the chemical waste.
storage area will be specially constructed and bunded, and located close to the
source of waste generation.
storage area for chemical wastes will:
¡P Have an impermeable floor and bunding of sufficient capacity to accommodate 110% of the volume of the largest container or 20% of the total volume of waste stored in that area, whichever is the greatest;
¡P Have adequate ventilation;
¡P Before reaching 80% capacity of the storage container, licensed waste collectors will be employed to remove the chemical waste.
After the
chemical wastes have been packed, labeled, and stored, the chemical wastes will
be transported by licensed waste collectors and disposed of at Chemical Waste
Treatment Facility in Tsing Yi or other approved facilities.
Measures to be implemented
to encourage waste avoidance/ minimization include:
¡P Reducing the number of photos copies to a minimum and by copying on both sides of paper for internal documents and external documents where appropriate;
¡P Preventing over-ordering of office equipment and consumables;
¡P Procuring green office equipment and consumables in terms of energy efficiency, recycled content and durability, etc;
¡P Deploying sufficient recycle bins in site offices to facilitate collection of recyclables including wasted aluminum cans, plastics bottles and papers;
¡P Deploying sufficient collection bins with cover at convenient locations at site to facilitate collection of non-recyclable for disposal at landfills; and
¡P General refuse generated from working vessels and barges can dispose the waste into temporary waste collection point.
sewage collection will be by holding tank to be pumped out at regular interval
and ensuring no adverse water impacts by contracting with licensed contractors
to collect sewage and maintain the facilities.
of sewage in terms sewage generated by human, adequate chemical toilets would
be provided for collection.
numbers of chemical toilets for workers and frontier workforces were placed on
works area other than site offices.
CHEC aims to avoid, reduce or
minimize the use of timber in temporary construction activities. Where the use
of timber is unavoidable for temporary works construction processes or activities
with an estimated quantity of greater than
The summary table of timber usage
will be updated and submitted to the ER for monitoring and review by not later
than the 15th day of each month or, if it is a general holiday, the
day following the general holiday, or a day agreed upon with the ER.
CHEC will meet with recycling contractors to
establish a suitable system for collecting recyclable materials with care.
The following types of waste would be generated from the works areas and the workforce on site.
¡P C&D materials / waste;
¡P Chemical waste;
¡P General refuse; and
¡P Recyclable waste
¡P Slurry/bentonite
¡P Inert C&D Soft Material
Material |
Generated from Project (m3) |
Re-used onsite
or on other Projects (m3) |
Disposal (m3) |
Disposal Outlet |
General Refuse |
1,000 |
0 |
1,000 |
NENT Landfill |
Inert C&D Soft Material |
63,000 |
12,000 |
51,000 |
TM 38 Fill |
„P C&D
materials / waste |
5,000 |
3,000 |
2,000 |
NENT Landfill |
Slurry/bentonite |
500 |
0 |
500 |
TKO 137 Fill |
Chemical waste; |
10 |
0 |
10 |
Licensed Chemical Waste Collector |
Recyclable waste |
50 |
20 |
30 |
Recycling Collector |
Table 4.1 Table for Estimated
Quantities of C&D Material/ Waste
There will be inert C&D materials (comprising soil, broken rock and concrete, etc), non-inert C&D materials and slurry and bentonite generated under Contract No.: HY/2019/01. With reference to the clause 25.25(1) of PS, the designated disposal grounds for mentioned are listed as follows:-
Inert C&D Materials:
Tuen Mun Area 38 Fill
Slurry and
Tseung Kwan O Area 137 Fill
Non-inert C&D Materials:
North East
New Territories Landfill (NENT)
Summary for C&D material disposal off the Site will be provided to indicate
the estimate quantities, types of C&D materials and corresponding disposal
ground in Waste Flow Table (WFT).
locations for inert C&D materials would be Tuen Mun Area 38. The non-inert C&D
materials would be disposed to NENT landfill. Tseung Kwan O Area 137 Fill
washing facilities would be installed at works areas. These facilities would be
cleaned daily.
CHEC will
write to all truck drivers who or his sub-contractor(s) has engaged for removal
of C&D materials from the Site and draw their attention to the following
particular points:
Each truck
carrying C&D materials leaving the Site for a disposal ground must bear a
duly completed and stamped CHIT, irrespective of the location and nature of the
disposal ground;
The C&D
materials must be disposed of at the disposal ground as stipulated in the CHIT;
Situations that
constitute ¡§improper disposal¡¨ and ¡§Major improper disposal¡¨ (as defined in
P.S. Section 25.25 (15) & (16)) and that the Public Fill Committee (PFC)
will consider revoking the Dumping Licence from the holder of the offending
trucks; and
Truck drivers must
bear a valid Dumping Licence that he can be applied from the Civil Engineering
and Development Department
The truck
drivers will sign on a receipt form upon receipt of the notification. A sample of the notification to truck
drivers and the receipt form is attached in Appendix C.
The CHIT Tickets will be used for each and every vehicular trip transporting construction and demolition (C&D) material off site.
Prior to the vehicle leaving the site, the Supervisor¡¦s Representative will insert the date, time of departure, vehicle licence plate number, designated public filling facility/ landfill, and other information as required, and stamp the form. The Supervisor¡¦s Representative will then retain the first strip of the form and pass the rest to CHEC¡¦s Representative. The form will be carried on board the vehicle at all times throughout the vehicular trip.
A comprehensive register of the CHIT Tickets issued will be maintained and available for inspection by the Supervisor¡¦s
Representative upon request. The following records will
be kept for monitoring of the DDF issued:-
Daily Record Summary (DRS) and the Waste Flow Table (WFT) should be completed and submitted to the Supervisor¡¦s Representative for record. A sample of DRS and WFT, please refer to Appendix D and E respectively.
Record of the quantities of C&D materials
generated each month will be maintained using the monthly summary Waste flow
Table (WFT). CHEC will complete and submit the monthly summary WFT to the Supervisor by not later than the 15th day of each
month follows the reporting month, or if it is a General Holiday, the day
following the General Holiday, or a later date as agreed by the Supervisor.
The estimated quantities of C&D materials to be
generated each year from the site will be summarised using the yearly summary
WFT. The WFT will be updated on a half-yearly basis and submit to the Project
Proponent by not later than 1st of June and December of each year,
or if it is a General Holiday, the day following the General Holiday,
throughout the construction period in order to account for the revised works
programme and latest outturn on the quantities of C&D materials generated
from the site.
These summaries shall also be made available to ETL and IEC/ENPO
Specific trip ticket and records for internal transfer of C&D materials and imported fill materials will also be kept for monitoring whatever necessary.
For recyclable materials, CHEC¡¦s Representative will record the quantities of all the recyclable materials before removal off the Site by the recycling contractors, and include the details in the WFT for submission to the Supervisor¡¦s Representative.
In order to ensure proper disposal of C&D materials,
enhancement measures to further improve the TTS recording system, a video
recording system shall be installed and disposal shall be checked against
survey record. Such video recording system used to monitor the vehicular exit/
entrance of the site.
The aims and objectives of waste management audit are:
¡P To ensure that the waste arising from works are handled, stored, collected, transported and disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner;
¡P To ensure that the handling, storage, collection and disposal of waste arising from the demolition works comply with the relevant requirements under the Waste Disposal Ordinance and its regulations, and this WMP; and
To encourage the reuse
and recycling of materials.
The ET, with assistance from the Construction Manager,
would audit the waste management practices during the weekly environmental site
inspection to evaluate the overall performance of the
implementation of the WMP and ensure the appropriate control measures are
properly implemented. The results of the waste management audits would be
reported in the monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit reports.
In the event of any
non-compliance or complaint against the provisions of this WMP, actions would
be taken according to the event and Action Plan for non-compliance and
complaints as shown in the following tables.
Step |
Day |
Action |
Contractor / ET |
ER |
1 |
1 |
Create a new non-compliance record within 1 working
day after making an observation during a site audit accompanied by
Construction Manager or his delegate.
ET sends a Notice of Non-Compliance (NC) to the Contractor, ER and
IEC/ENPO. The NC would include
the observations and the reasons for non-compliance. |
¡½ |
2 |
2 |
Propose corrective actions within 1 working day
after the receipt for the NC. |
¡½ |
¡¼ |
3 |
3 |
Review and agree with the proposed corrective
actions and make additional recommendations as required. |
¡½ ¡¼ |
¡½ ¡¼ |
4 |
2 |
Implement the proposed corrective actions once they
have been agreed. |
¡½ |
5 |
- |
Check the implementation of the corrective actions
at the next site audit. Close the
non-compliance record if the implementation of the corrective actions is
satisfactory/ |
¡½ ¡¼ |
¡½ ¡¼ |
¡½ ¡¼ |
6 |
- |
Propose preventive actions within 3 working days
after the closure of the non-compliance record. |
¡½ |
¡¼ |
Event Action Plan for Non-compliance
¡½ action party
¡¼ comments on the non-compliance record where
Step |
Day |
Action |
Contractor / ET |
ER |
1 |
1 |
Investigate validity of complaint and to assess
whether the source of problem is due to site activity. If complaint is valid
and due to site activity, log complaint into Complaint Record Form. |
¡½ |
2 |
2 |
Propose mitigation measures |
¡½ |
¡¼ |
3 |
3 |
Review and agree with the proposed mitigation
measures and propose further mitigation measures if required. |
¡½ ¡¼ |
¡½ ¡¼ |
4 |
2 |
Implement the proposed mitigation measures once they
have been agreed. |
¡½ |
5 |
- |
Check the implementation of the mitigation measures
at the next site audit. Close out the complaint case if the implementation of
the mitigation measures is satisfactory. |
¡½ ¡¼ |
¡½ ¡¼ |
¡½ ¡¼ |
6 |
- |
Propose prevention measures within 3 working days
after closure of the complaint case. |
¡½ |
¡¼ |
Event Action Plan for Complaint
¡½ action party
¡¼ comments on the non-compliance record where